I found that there’s a good RSS reader service name “BazQux” on my Twitter stream yesterday.

It seems like it can subscribe not only RSS feed but also a Facebook page and other things.So I spend a morning to migrate my RSS feed from Slack to BazQux and read it on reader App.

Well, after a day. I cancel all the subscribe on BazQux and back to my old way - Slack.



BazQux is fast, clean and easy to use RSS reader. It supports many client apps and can read Twitter and Facebook. Better than every reader I used.


However, I can’t read full article content in the reader. I still need to click the title and direct to article web. That’s what I am doing before with Slack. Most significant is my Slack always open when I was using the computer.

I clarify my user story below:

  • I can get new article notification, showing feed title, article title, short version of content.
  • If I’m interested in the article. I can read the Full text of it by a click.


I still recommend Bazqux if you want a better reader for RSS.

But to me, Slack (and IFTTT) is enough.